If there is a reason to inform other people in the organization about the non-completion of a task, use the “Escalate to” option.

In this item, for each activity (except the first one), you can specify the user or users who will receive an e-mail notification each time, informing who, in which activity, in which process and in which organization did not complete the task on time.

Timecops (that’s what we call them) can only be people belonging to the organization, both with “inside” and “outside” status.

Note: in special situations the timecop may not have the permissions to access the contents of a task, such as when they have not participated in the task or have not been CC’ed and they do not have administrative rights.

If a retry is provided for the activity, the timecop will receive a notification each time the deadline of a given cycle expires.

Escalate in Dew-X

What to do when many different activities should be performed at the same time by several different departments/people?

For example, payment and accounting at an external accounting office should be done in parallel.

There are at least two ways to achieve this goal.

1. Each task can be delegated to multiple users instead of one. In this case, it is always decided whether the actions of one (any of them) or everyone are required. The form on such a step could include fields for multiple “departments”, such as a checkbox: Has a payment been made? (Yes/No) and fields for the accounting office. Everyone would fill in their own.

These fields would have to be optional (not required) for the process to go forward.

2. One or more of these users can always or sometimes (there will not always be such a need – there are prepaid invoices) be added CC (https://dew-x.com/en/cc-carbon-copy/) on a particular step – such information can be displayed in the body of the form in the form of instructions. The effect will be that, for example, the person responsible for payments will receive a notification that a DW has been added and will have access to this instance. They will not have any task to perform, but will be able to use all the collected data, so, for example, perform a transfer. The process at that time will already be in the accounting office, which will take care of the posting.  For the sake of order, you can add another “Confirmation of payment” after the “Posting” step, on which the person responsible for payments, already after the fact, can check the checkbox: Was the payment made? (Yes/No) and completes the entire process instance.

Nowadays, it is hard to imagine that you can do without mobile devices, especially a phone.

In the older workflow systems, mobile applications were not used. At first they were not there yet, and then it seemed that this area was reserved for desktop work.

Now, of course, it’s different.

From the very beginning we were guided by the idea of “mobile first”.

We decided on Progressive Web App (PWA).

How do I install Dew-X on my phone or other device?

  1. Open https://workflow.dew-x.com/ in your phone or tablet browser
  2. Log in to your account or if you don’t have one yet, register
  3. Find the installer icon – down arrow at the bottom of the screen (last menu item)
Instalacja aplikacji Dew-X

The Dew-X icon will appear on your screen and from now on you will be able to launch the Dew-X mobile app in this way.

If your device supports biometric authentication, you can enable it for this application as well.

Document Management System (DMS) is software that allows you to manage documents.

DMS is also known as File archive, Electronic Archives or Electronic Document Management (EDM).

This IT tools have multiple applications, e.g.:

  • registering, assigning attributes, classifying
  • version controlling
  • access management
  • searching
  • viewing

DMS is most often used to manage contracts, e.g. with customers, suppliers or employees, invoices, protocols, HR documents, call recordings, technical documentation etc.

DMSs are the predecessors of workflow systems (BPMS). Nowadays, they are integrated with them or DMS and BPMS functionalities/modules appear in one common tool.

There is sometimes a need for a user who is not involved in the flow of a given case to have the opportunity to familiarize himself with it. That’s what the CC functionality is for.

It can be either a person who will not participate in this instance of the process at all, or a person who will be added to it in later stage.

Add CC Again in Dew-X

In addition to the ability to add CC, we have created an another tab (next to data and history) so that you can easily check when, who and with whom a given task has been shared.

CC Tab in Dew-X

You can find more about this in the manual

The Gartner Digital Markets report identifies Top 9 software investment trends to watch in 2023.

It’s all interesting, but Trend No. 3 caught our attention in particular, which shows that 69% (a sample of over 1,500 companies in five countries) of buyers struggle to justify and fund new technology investments. In a broader context, this may be closely related to economic uncertainty, which has been identified as the biggest business challenge in 2023 (Trend No. 1).

Global Software Buying Trends Gartner Digital Markets

We have similar observations. Most of the Dew-X users we spoke to indicate that the main reason for interest in Dew-X is its free nature or low cost of implementation and maintenance on-premises.

The latter aspect closely corresponds to the security concerns, which is highlighted by 37% of buyers in the Gartner Digital Markets report. In our case, about 5% of organizations expect a higher level of security than offered in the shared version, which they understand as the possibility of installing the system in their own infrastructure or in a cloud of their choice and control (which, of course, does not exhaust the subject of security). This is one of the most important selection criteria for them, next to the functionality of the software and ease of use.

Coming back to Trend No. 3, 41% find compatibility with existing systems as a challenge, and 40% struggle to identify the right technology. We are also doing well with these two areas. In the first case, there is an API and optional integration services at your disposal, and in the second case, it will partly help to be able to test the software at no cost (except, of course, your own commitment) in the full range of functionality.

Link to the full report

The global version of Dew-X has everything you need to run and use the document workflow for free.

Some Dew-X users ask us if it is possible to install the system on their own servers.

The answer to this question is: YES

Such installations already exist and are doing very well. However, for a number of quite obvious reasons, they are not offered for free.

So the next question arises, what is the difference between these two versions?

The main differences are presented in the table:

Free vs Paid

As you can see, there may be at least a few reasons why you should consider the paid version.
These three are the most common:

  • I must or prefer to have documents on a server under my control
  • I need specific functionality not found in Dew-X
  • I want to integrate with my other systems in a way that is not available in the global version

If you are interested in the paid version of the system, write to us: hello@dew-x.com or fill out and send the contact form

As you probably already know, in Dew-X we do not directly reflect the organizational structure. In our opinion, this allows for better management of processes, e.g. through easier design of processes for business areas or matrix structures unrelated to the formal structure of the organization.

However, this does not mean that the lack of structure is an advantage in every case.
When, for various reasons, we want to limit the visibility of certain processes for some users, e.g. related to strategy, HR, complaints, investments, marketing, etc., reflecting the structure would be very useful.

In such a situation, the best solution will be to use “organizations” as company departments or task areas.

Apply the following procedure:

  1. Use your Organization, e.g. MyCompany, for processes available to everyone, e.g. leaves, ideas, messages, incoming correspondence, etc.
  2. Create separate organizations for each department/topic/area where you want to restrict access, e.g.:
    MyCompany Board
    MyCompany HR
    MyCompany Investments
    MyCompany Complaints
  3. In each of them, build an appropriate set of processes, e.g. “Recruitment”, “Training”, etc. in HR.
  4. In each of the “organizations”, invite only those users that you want to have access to the given set of processes.

Thus, the same people will be able to access one, several or all internal “organizations”.

More about Organizations: click

Related to this topic is the issue of roles and permissions: click

During our implementation of a purchasing process in a restaurant chain, the question arose as to why Global Tables are not used in the available process templates?

We agree that both Global Tables and Dictionaries would be very useful in them.

Especially in the definitions of the invoice workflow process or purchase requests. So why were neither Global Tables nor Dictionaries used there?

The reason is very simple.

Both Global Tables and Dictionaries are added outside the process editor – in a given Organization, we create them in the administration module so that they are available for each of the various process definitions that we will create in it.
Placing Global Tables and Dictionaries by us would mean that the template added in this way in your organization would not allow the flow of the process – it would lack global tables and dictionaries to which it could refer. Apart from the fact that, for example, in dictionaries we wouldn’t know what you would like to put 😊

So, if you think, as we do, that in some processes Global Tables and Dictionaries are useful, add them first in the administration module, and then place them in the process definitions you created (from scratch or based on templates).

Note: there is nothing to prevent you from copying the process definitions you created with references to global tables and dictionaries – as long as you do it in the same Organization, everything will work. You can also transfer them to other organizations, but then, before publishing the process, add global tables and dictionaries, and then, when editing the process definition, add them in place of the previous ones.

More about Dictionaries: click
More about Global Tables: click

Global tables are a special type of tables

They allow you to create templates of many different tables, which can then be used repeatedly both in a given process and in various other processes.

A great advantage of this type of tables is their “wandering” nature – adding the same table on the next activity of a given process allows different participants of the process to fill in the same table.

Furthermore, a given table can also be added at a specific activity in a non-editable form to present the data collected in the course of the process.

When is it worth using such a solution?

  1. When we want to use the same table template in different processes
  2. When it is expected that more people can complete the same table, e.g. by filling out a list of requirements in the purchasing process
  3. When it is convenient to present a previously completed table in the next activities – then you do not have to switch to the view of previous activities

More about tables and global tables can be found here: click

The easiest way is to refer to Wikipedia:

„A workflow consists of an orchestrated and repeatable pattern of activity, enabled by the systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials, provide services, or process information. It can be depicted as a sequence of operations, the work of a person or group, the work of an organization of staff, or one or more simple or complex mechanisms.”

The non-existent as of 2019 WfMC (WorkFlow Management Coalition) coalition – please do not confuse them with martial arts – defined workflow as the automation of business processes, in whole or in part, during which documents, information or tasks are transferred from one participant to the next, according to appropriate management procedures.

More information about workflow can be found here: https://dew-x.com/pl/workflow/

Workflow systems are in fact decision support tools

The workflow itself seems to make no sense. It’s like running around a construction site with empty wheelbarrows. It gains it only when we think about it through the prism of measurable effects. In a broad sense it can be organizational or cost optimization, but in the strict sense it is a set of actions accompanied by decision making.

If we look at the most popular processes of document and case workflow, then in each of them we deal with broadly understood decision-making, usually in the form of acceptance or lack of it.

  • Invoices workflow – what is its main purpose? Approval is usually preceded by a description, substantive and accounting verification.
  • Vacation requests – the result is consent to the employee’s absence.
  • Contracts approval – this is quite obvious.
  • Purchase requests – similarly.
  • Incoming correspondence – accepting correspondence is an activity seemingly devoid of any decision-making element. But is it really so? It is necessary to determine whether the letter is actually addressed to us, what type of case it concerns, whether it requires proceedings, who will deal with the given topic; and in the next steps, whether to me, whether I will take care of it, when, what actions are required, etc., etc. A whole series of decisions.
  • Even reporting processes, e.g. support ones, are basically based on making decisions – whether the application is justified, what is its status, who will take care of it and finally whether it has been carried out.

Of course, decision-making processes occur in many systems, if not in all, but in the workflow they seem to be their essence and inseparable element.

Virtual offices, external mailing offices and coworking are great solutions.
They allow, among other things, to outsource correspondence handling.

How does it work?

After signing a contract with a virtual office, external mailing office or coworking space, the company starts using its address as its own – using it as a correspondence address.
Therefore, letters, parcels and other shipments are sent directly to this address.


And here comes several IT needs.

  1. Received correspondence should be registered
  2. The addressee should be informed about the arrival of the parcel
  3. If the scope of the service so provides, the recipient should be able to view its content remotely


Each of these needs can be easily met by the Dew-X system, and it’s free!

How to configure it?

It’s very simple and intuitive, but anyway, just in case, for ease of use, we provide links to the instructions at each point

  1. Create an account with Dew-X
    How to do it?
  2. Create a new Organization (e.g. Our Office)
    After registering, the system will suggest it to you, if you ignore this offer, here you will learn how to do it at any time
  3. Create a new process (e.g. by uploading it from a file – more on that below)
    The system will propose it to you, but if you ignore this proposal, here you will learn how to do it later
  4. Invite users
    Note: your staff – as people from inside the Organization, and customers as people from outside the Organization)
    How to do it?

that’s all!

Incoming Letter in Dew-X

How to use?

Completing tasks – starting a process
Completing tasks – new task in a process
Completing tasks – last activity in a process

Something extra

For those who take advantage, we have two great offers (for free):

  1. We will send you a ready process template (just upload it)
  2. We will help in configuration as part of remote consultations

This offer is time limited, so don’t delay.

Already have a correspondence system?
Great – check if Dew-X will give you and your clients additional value.
We are sure that it will – you will optimize your other internal processes.

You can read more about Dew-X here: https://dew-x.com/

Dew-X was multilingual from the beginning, which did not mean that it could be used in any language.
To make it possible, we first had to do translations, not only inside the system, but also websites or user manuals.

We planned the release of the EN version for the last quarter of this year and that’s what we did 🙂
From now on, when creating a new account, you can choose English or Polish. If you are already a user of the application, you can change the language at any time in the menu on the left, under the initials or the avatar, using the “Account settings” option.

We have also prepared several process templates in English.


In a given organization, there may be people who speak different languages. The language is chosen for the user, not the organization, so anyone can use Dew-X without any problems.

Remember, however, that in this case, the process forms you have created (names of fields, plugs, descriptions, etc.) should take into account the fact that foreign-speaking people will use them. One possibility is to use both languages simultaneously.

We did this for two processes in the Dew-X#0000 organization to which each user belongs. These are Ideas / Pomysły oraz Report an error / Zgłoś błąd. You can be inspired by them when creating or modifying your own.

At the invitation of GFKM of the Gdańsk Foundation for Management Development, a webinar about Dew-X will take place on October 11, 2022 at 12:00.

Thanks to it:

  • you will understand what is r-evolution in workflow
  • you will learn how workflow systems support the optimization of processes in companies
  • you will learn how to create and modify processes in Dew- X
  • if you are an employee – you will shine in your organization
  • if you are an business advisor – you will make your offer more attractive

Registration via the website https://gfkm.pl/system-workflow- dewx /

List of cars, employees, customers, suppliers, locations, projects, cost centers, types of cases …

We agree that it is worth being able to include such lists on forms in the document and case workflow processes.

Of course, and earlier it was possible using the “Selection list” plugin, which allows you to add a field containing a defined list, from which the user, when filling in the form, selects a value. In many cases, this functionality was sufficient.

However, there are at least a few situations where Dictionaries will be a better choice than a simple picklist. For example, when:

  • the list changes quite often,
  • the same list is used in several different processes,
  • in addition to the value, the list items should also have a description.


How to add and edit Dictionaries in Dew-X and many useful hints can be found in the Knowledge Base

Many people ask us if Dew-X can be integrated with other systems.

The answer is: YES

Simple integrations can be done with Authorization tokens and Webhooks.

The more complex ones, e.g. with financial and accounting systems, mobile applications or CRMs, are possible with the use of API.

API stands for application programming interface. It is an application programming interface through which programs can communicate with each other.

Dew-X has API documentation found here: click


There are new functionalities for more initiated users and consultants helping with complex Dew-X implementations.

These are Webhooks and Authorization tokens

What are they and what are they for?


Thanks to them, you can execute actions in Dew-X from external systems.

You can generate them in the user menu:

My token

If this topic is black magic, do not worry, because this functionality does not negatively affect the standard use of Dew-X 

If, however, you would like to learn more about it – write to us.

Thanks to them, you can call actions in Dew-X from external systems.

You generate them in the user menu:

Generowanie tokenow w Dew-X
Nowy token autoryzacyjny w Dew-X


They allow actions initiated with Dew-X to be invoked on external systems.

You will find places to place them when creating or editing a process, at each of its activities, in the side panel on the right:

Webhook w Dew-X

Both functionalities can be used without our participation and at no additional cost.

If this topic is black magic, do not worry, because this functionality does not negatively affect the standard use of Dew-X 

If, however, you would like to learn more about it – write to us.

In Dew-X, all organizations were public, which meant any system user could search for them and ask for permission to join them. The decision was made by its owner or administrators.
The expectation was that some organizations could be hidden.
In fact, there are many situations where it is justified.
Therefore, we have introduced an appropriate change.

Organizations can now be Public or Private.

Private cannot be searched, so in order to join private ones you need to get an invitation from their member. The decision whether an organization will be public or private is made at the stage of its creation or subsequent editing.

By the way, we introduced the ability to rename the organization.

If after creating an Organization it is necessary to change its name or status (public / private), you can do so from the screen:

Note: when changing the name or status of the Organization, the system will also change the #number each time. This change will not affect the existing processes, files, data, or its members.

Dew-X is to be an element of a master’s thesis.

Apparently it’s not something unusual, but considering that it happens less than six months after the project starts, it’s quite nice.

We do not know in what context and in what light it will be presented – whether as a completely new, revolutionary approach to workflow, or as one of many systems. Either way, we keep our fingers crossed for the job to be good.

By the way, I encourage other students to write about Dew-X.
If necessary, we will help 🙂

During one of our consultations, where we created ad hoc processes together with users, the idea arose to build a process based on a shared document, edited during the process by each party.

Dew-X doesn’t have built-in editing and tracking tools… and it doesn’t have to!
There are several very good programs on the market that handle this perfectly.
Dew-X focuses on workflow, which is what it does best.

Does this mean that it is impossible to work on a shared document during the process, e.g. a contract in the form of MS Word?
On the contrary – the edited document may wander in the process in the form of a link to which the user will have easy access from the forms of the process.

The constructed process of creating a contract looked like this:

  1. Entering contract data
  2. Data confirmation
  3. Creation of a contract document
  4. Acceptance of the contract
  5. Legal acceptance
  6. Blocking a document for editing (adding an agreement as an attachment, e.g. in PDF form)

One might think that the same can be done with email.
Sure you can. You can also use traditional mail 🙂
However, when creating contracts in the workflow system, we have a simple and quick access to all developed documents and history – you know who, when and what accepted, what comments they had, etc. You do not need to look for this information in the post office, especially since it may be the mail of people who are no longer working in the organization.
An additional benefit is reporting that is often unavailable in other tools.

Some of the Dew-X users are very active. Some even give us ideas.

However, there is a group of people / companies who, despite the fact that the tool is very simple, cannot or does not have the courage to adapt it to their own needs.

This is a normal feeling when we reach for something new. Especially in an area that has so far been associated with something very complicated.

Thus, a field opens up for the implementation of paid consulting services that go far beyond the Dew-X configuration, and extend to the broadly understood area of ​​process optimization.

We can do it, but other professional advisors (companies or individuals) can also do it, using the Dew-X to make its offer more attractive and enhance the effects of the work done.

What can we offer?

  • training
  • Certificate (after completing the training and passing the exam)
  • placing on a special subpage https://dew-x.com/ a Certified consultant’s business card with a description of the services he provides and contact details.

All of the above – free of charge for a limited time.

It is obvious that the inclusion of a free workflow and file archive system (also in parallel with other solutions) by customers in the offer of services significantly increases the value of these services.

What will you gain?

  • new knowledge and skills
  • you will make your offer more attractive
  • you will add a new promotion channel for your brand

If you are a professional advisor, consultant or specialist working in the area of ​​organization and management, and in particular process optimization, and you find this “trailer” of the bountiful harvest season interesting, please contact us – we will arrange an interview.

We want to start with a small, exclusive group – don’t hesitate!

Ending a process on an activity

Let’s imagine such a situation – there is a need to implement a recruitment process in Dew-X consisting of many activities that can be divided into certain stages, e.g .:

  1. Candidate registration
  2. Analysis of sent documents
  3. Interview
  4. Employment decision
  5. Conclusion of the contract

There may be several steps in each stage, e.g. in the Employment Decision: the decision of the supervisor and the decision of the department director.

It is easy to imagine that with such a process structure, there may be a business justification for completing it before the end, e.g. because the candidate has changed his mind, does not meet the requirements or has not been approved by the supervisor.

So far, we recommended that the processes created in Dew-X should be shorter – that is, correspond to stages. In this case, however, at the start of a given stage, you would have to enter data from earlier stages. Alternatively, at steps where the process instance could be terminated, instead of the default Undo option, you could select Finish for the “If the task is not completed over time” event. Then, if the person to whom we transfer the candidate’s data would not like to continue the employment process, ignoring the task, would automatically terminate this instance of the process after the set time, e.g. 72 hours.

However, let’s agree that both ways are not optimal.

Therefore, we have introduced a change that allows us to predict the possibility of ending a process instance by the user at a selected activities

To allow such a possibility, when creating or editing a process, on a selected activity, in the “Change activity data” menu, select Yes in “The process can be ended at this activity” section

You can do this at one or more different activities in the process.

Thanks to this, the person performing the given task will see “Next” with two options instead of “Send”:

By selecting “End”, the process instance will be terminated and archived.

Default executor of activities in the document flow process

One of the Dew-X users pointed out to us (for which we would like to thank you) that it would be useful to have the option to indicate, when creating or editing a process, who is to be the default executor of the selected activity.

We decided that this is a legitimate request, which was entered on the list for execution and has been implemented.

How does it work?

If a given activity is to be performed by a specific user by default, then when creating or editing a process, you can select it from the list:

default user
Dew-X workflow system and file archive

The list will only include users from inside the Organization, but if they have not accepted to join it yet, it will not be possible to select them. During the process flow, the person performing the task will be able to change the addressee or indicate multiple addressees for the next activity.

The functionality is now available in the system.

Reporting is an important functionality of workflow systems

Reporting does not affect the process itself, but makes it much easier to analyze. First of all, it allows you to extract the data that is collected in the flow.

In systems that must be universal and in which users create processes themselves and modify them many times, coming up with reporting mechanisms is quite a challenge.

This was also the case with Dew-X . Our discussions on this topic began at the very beginning of this project. Along the way, there were a few concepts and finally a decision on the path we would follow.

The final effect of our work is already in the application – reports are available from the level of a selected process, via the icon at the bottom right of the screen.

We have decided that the reports will be delivered as MS Excel files. Thanks to this, immediately after their generation, you will be able to perform further operations such as summing, filtering, sorting, creating pivot tables, charts, etc., etc.

Raport w Dew-X

More information can be found in the Knowledge Base: click

BlueDew and Pomeranian Employers

invite you to a presentation webinar

Free system for creating and managing the workflow of documents, cases, tasks and file archive

May 19, 2022 11:00 Webinar – clickmeeting platform

The implementation of the workflow system last year was inevitably associated with the need to spend at least several tens of thousands, and often several hundred euros. Everything changed with the arrival of Dew-X.

What is Dew-X?

It is a free, workflow class system – a tool for creating and managing the flow of documents, cases and tasks as well as file archive.

What is the workflow system for?

For the automation of business processes during which documents, cases or tasks are transferred in a structured manner between successive persons. The most frequently supported in this way are processes such as: invoice flow, incoming correspondence, contract approval or vacation requests.

Who is it for?

Mainly for companies, but we hope that it will also be used by associations, foundations, chambers, councils, universities, sports clubs, etc., and after breaking several psychological barriers, also by the largest companies and institutions. Dew-X can be either the primary workflow system or a supplement to the existing workflow.

How much does it cost?

0. We want our system to be available for free – pro publico bono. We do not limit the number of users, processes or their instances. Above the free value, only the disk space is limited, because unfortunately we have to pay for it, especially as this cost will increase with the spread of the system.

Are your data and documents safe?

Yes. For Dew-X, we chose Google Cloud Region Warsaw – the first technology hub in Central and Eastern Europe for a global provider of public cloud, which was created thanks to the cooperation of Google and the National Cloud.

Full information can be found at: https://dew-x.com/

Before participating in the webinar, please complete the survey which will allow us to find out about your needs in the area of ​​workflow


Organizational information:

The webinar will be held on the CLICKMEETING platform

Registration through the Pomeranian Employers enrollment system is required

Registered persons will receive a link to the webinar via e-mail no later than the day before the webinar

A link to the webinar will also be published here on the day of the webinar.

Apply / Sign up

Our workflow system has been noticed by Moore Polska – one of the ten best auditors in Poland (according to the Auditors Ranking prepared by Rzeczpospolita and Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów Parkiet).

See link below for full details.

It turns out that Dew-X is also suitable for handling support requests.

One of the interactive agencies decided to use it for this purpose.

Business background

The company has made hundreds of websites for its clients. Many of them also decided to use support services after the warranty period. Support applications are different types.

The most popular are:

  1. Change the content of the page
  2. The need to update (server, wordpress, plugins etc.)
  3. Errors
  4. Matters related to e-mail

The goal was better control over applications and their implementation, setting priorities and forwarding to appropriate employees.


To help manage this process, a new Organization has been added in Dew-X, separated for this purpose. It is, incidentally, a very good procedure, because it allows you to separate the company’s internal affairs from customer service.

As part of the new Organization, a process was created based on the available template called “Report Error”. It required significant development, but at the beginning of work with Dew-X it is much easier to base on a ready-made pattern than to build the process from the very beginning.

After testing, all you had to do was start adding users on the clients’ side.

Note: In the case of processes, such as described above, it is worth using two hints:

  1. Create an additional Technical User (or users), e.g. support@mycompany.com so that customers can always submit tickets only to them.
    This user should be Inside the organization (more about Users)
  2. When adding outsiders (clients), always define their status as Outside the organization so that they only see users from Inside and they did not see each other. In this way, reports can only be sent to this technical user (or users) from point 1. He will be able to forward them to everyone, including those outside the Organization.
    (more about users) (More about roles in the system)

The first Dew-X users submitted some development ideas. One of them was the Archive – a functionality that would allow the collection and sharing of files with authorized persons that do not participate in the document flow processes, i.e. the document management module.

What documents could this be?

File archive, also known as Document Management System (DMS) or Electronic Document Management (EDM), is most often used to manage contracts, e.g. with customers, suppliers or employees, invoices, protocols, HR documents, call recordings, technical documentation etc.

The document management module in Dew-X is very powerful. It allows you to create multiple directories / folders, add files, build forms to describe (index) documents, OCR, grant access and edit permissions.

You can read about how the Archive in Dew-X works here: click

In Radio Kaszëbë we had the opportunity to talk about what is workflow in general and the circulation of documents and cases in particular; why and for whom the Dew-X system was created, and why it is worth using it.


http://radiokaszebe.pl/podcast/jan-trawinski-o-swiecie- system-workflow /