Purchasing process in a restaurant chain
During our implementation of a purchasing process in a restaurant chain, the question arose as to why Global Tables are not used in the available process templates?
We agree that both Global Tables and Dictionaries would be very useful in them.
Especially in the definitions of the invoice workflow process or purchase requests. So why were neither Global Tables nor Dictionaries used there?
The reason is very simple.
Both Global Tables and Dictionaries are added outside the process editor – in a given Organization, we create them in the administration module so that they are available for each of the various process definitions that we will create in it.
Placing Global Tables and Dictionaries by us would mean that the template added in this way in your organization would not allow the flow of the process – it would lack global tables and dictionaries to which it could refer. Apart from the fact that, for example, in dictionaries we wouldn’t know what you would like to put 😊
So, if you think, as we do, that in some processes Global Tables and Dictionaries are useful, add them first in the administration module, and then place them in the process definitions you created (from scratch or based on templates).
Note: there is nothing to prevent you from copying the process definitions you created with references to global tables and dictionaries – as long as you do it in the same Organization, everything will work. You can also transfer them to other organizations, but then, before publishing the process, add global tables and dictionaries, and then, when editing the process definition, add them in place of the previous ones.
More about Dictionaries: click
More about Global Tables: click