Who are document workflow systems for?
We already know that we deal with workflow every day, which does not mean that we always need tools other than those provided by nature. When we think about a large company, it is quite obvious that such a tool will be useful. But where is the limit?
We’ve thought about it many times, and it’s still in the pre-Dew-X era.
Does the number of employees criterion make sense?
This is often accepted. So, are 20 people working with computers enough? Or maybe 10 is enough, but in a territorially dispersed mode (now a significant part of the population is territorially dispersed)?
Then we found that the border is 50 people, but probably more because of budgetary possibilities, because licenses and implementations are expensive.
So cash
It is difficult to buy and implement a workflow system for less than 10,000 euros. Usually, budgets oscillate around 50,000 euros, and even those for 500,000 euros are not uncommon. The costs of subsequent maintenance are also remarkable. Let’s add to that now the internal cost, because without a lot of involvement of people from inside the company, no implementation will be successful. Result? You have to agree that this is not a path for everyone.
Let us not think for a moment about costs, but about needs (this approach is often found in literature and commercial processes, and quite unique in practice). Let’s imagine a micro entrepreneur that provides services to one customer. Will he need a document flow system? I don’t think so.
Okay, a micro with a few employees or subcontractors, providing services to many clients? Rather yes – in such an organization there are processes with a repetitive structure, e.g. customer service: complaints, support, vacation requests. Such an entity often uses external resources: accounting offices, human resources, lawyers, etc., which opens the way to further processes.
Will this entrepreneur buy the system offered in the traditional model? Probably not.
How much does he have to grow to be able to do it? Stay small? – not yet. Medium? – you can start looking.
And this is the first niche that Dew-X fills
Now let’s think about organizations that, even if they have money, for completely different purposes than the optimization of internal processes. It’s hard to name them all, but let’s try: associations, foundations, universities, chambers, councils, schools, sports clubs, non-profit organizations, etc. etc.
And this is the second niche
Hmmm, it is not appropriate to finish with two – usually three or five are indicated … so let’s go:
- companies, e.g. consulting companies, which will offer support in the implementation of Dew-X for a fee
- companies that, by adding Dew-X implementation as part of a wider service of process optimization at their clients, will increase the value provided
- people or companies that will develop ready-made processes in Dew-X from the comfort of their home or office and will offer them (the same repeatedly) to customers – this functionality is there! Search the Knowledge Base or wait for the appropriate entry
Is it over?
No. Until now, such systems have not been available for free – we hope that there will be people who will discover completely new applications, and we also have a whole list of unrealized development ideas that may open up new application possibilities.
So who should be interested in Dew-X?
- Companies and organizations that want, but for various reasons (e.g. financial or competency), have not implemented the workflow at all
- Entities with a system in which some workflow processes have been omitted as part of the implementation documents and cases, and their implementation for various reasons in the current solution is impossible or not recommended
- Advisors, consultants and workflow enthusiasts