Straight vs. Round


Dew-X users have divided into two opposing camps: Straight and Round. And it’s not about the structure of their bodies.

Originally, all interface elements had straight angles. And this was a bone of contention because some people preferred rounded corners.

Some of you will think that this is the least important thing.

We thought so too, and every time we took up this topic, we ended with this statement. However, it turned out that users have a completely different view on this matter.

There is nothing left for us to do but to face this issue.

From now on, in addition to choosing between a light and dark theme, you have an additional choice of straight or rounded corners.

There are therefore four combinations: a dark theme with edges, a dark theme with rounded corners, a light theme with edges, and a light theme with rounded corners.

Proste i Obłe

We still do not take sides and give you more independent choices.

See also