Citizen DeveloperCitizen Developer is a person who has no formal training or work experience as a software developer, but uses available tools and platforms to create applications or customize existing technology solutions.
What is Low-Code?Low-code (LCDP: low-code development platform) is the idea that applications are created faster by eliminating or minimizing hand coding. Creation is possible in a graphical user interface using drag-and-drop, adding pre-made elements, etc.
Fire, resistanceLow-code tools and internal Citizen Developers as a remedy for resistance to IT implementations in organizations.
Twilight of the analystsThe development of low-code or no-code applications raises the question of the future of business analysis jobs, conducted in terms of information systems. Will they still be needed in the numbers they are today?
Citizen Developer – why does your company need them?In today’s digital world, where technology plays a key role in every sphere of life, new concepts and roles are emerging with the development of a technology-driven society. One such concept is “Citizen Developer,” which describes a person outside the world of professional programmers who creates and develops applications or IT solutions.
Low-code applications a way to democratize technologyFor years, the IT development of a company, took place within a certain dictate. It didn’t matter whether you bought off-the-shelf solutions on the market, outsourced the development of turnkey applications, or created a thriving software department within your organization. Your company was ruled indivisibly … by code.