Two Factor Authenticaton (2FA)

In Dew-X, you can use two methods of two-factor authentication (2FA), i.e. a code created by a third-party application installed on a mobile device (Authenticator) and a pre-generated key, which must be stored in a secure location. You can use Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator or another type of Authenticator as an application for generating codes on a smartphone (or tablet). Apps of this type have many advantages over text messages, such as no need to use a cellular signal or wait for an SMS. How it works? After logging in to Dew-X in the user panel, accessible by clicking on the Avatar (your picture or the first letters of your first and last name), you will find a list of functions, and among them Select 2FA Codes Name your code and click Add In the code generation application, read the QR code and enter the 6 characters given there on the screen in Dew-X. Your code has been created. You’ll find it in the list of codes, of which you may have many From here you can also generate your security key Note: it cannot be displayed again! Save it outside the system and store it in a safe place. A new key is generated each time. From now on, when logging into the system after entering your login and password, you will additionally be asked to enter a code. Enter the code generated in the Authenticator application or your security key. You can delete the created 2FA codes after logging into the system. When you delete all codes, the security key will also be deleted. In this case, you will log into the system again using only your login and password. Note: in any case, you can also log into the system through your Microsoft or Google account, in which case two-factor authentication in Dew-X does not work, but may be required by Microsoft or Google.