The search engine is available in the system menu on the left or at the bottom of the screen in the mobile version.Remember to check if you are in the correct Organization, because the search engine only searches the data of the currently selected Organization.After selecting it, a window will appear:It is a universal tool and allows you to search in Processes,Archives and Namespaces.Note: documents that were added in the process (both initiating process instances and added as attachments during them) are not available in the File Archive and therefore will not be included in the search results.Searching in ProcessesSelect Process from the list – it is the only mandatory field.All the others can be left blank. These are:
Type – you can choose All, only Ongoing or only Completed Instances
Start Dates – select the range
End dates – select the range
Identifier – if you are looking for a specific instance and you know its number, enter it in this field (you can read more about the identifier here: click)
Phrase – enter any phrase, the system will search the database for it.
User – search for instances in which the indicated person participated in the flow or which were added CC
Currently at User – search for instances of processes that are currently at the given person
Note: Ongoing processes = Mine (To do) + In progressIf there are process instances meeting the criteria in the System for a given Organization, the following view will be displayed:Click on the three dots on the selected tab for details.If there is no data meeting the criteria in the System for a given Organization, the following view will be displayed:Note: if the search engine is used by the owner (Owner), administrator (Admin) or searcher (Seach) of a given Organization, the search results will also include process instances in which they were not involved. Therefore, this functionality can also be used to remove instances of processes that have been carried out incorrectly, and they cannot be undone because they have already been completed or the user with whom they are located is no longer a member of the given Organization. These rights are held by the owner (Owner) and the administrator (Admin).You can read more about roles and permissions here: clickSearching in the ArchiveSearch in: Select File ArchiveThen from the Folder selection list – it is the only mandatory field.All the others can be left blank. These are:
Type – you can choose All, only Described or only Not describedInstances
Start Dates – Select the range
Identifier – if you are looking for a specific instance and you know its number, enter it in this field (you can read more about the identifier here: click)
Phrase – enter any phrase, the system will search the database for it.
If there are documents that meet the criteria in the Archive for a given Organization, the following view will be displayed:Searching in Namespaces After selecting a specific Namespace in the search engine, you will be taken to its tabular view, which allows both sorting and filtering. We enter a specific space by pressing the arrow on the left side of each row.