Conditional process control

Note: this part of the manual applies to the PRO business version only. Information on what conditional control is and how it differs from the standard one used in the free version of Dew-X can be found here.   Building the process definition Important: before you start building conditional processes, be sure to create the User Groups that you will use in the process and place at least one user in each of them. Conditional workflows are implemented using groups only, so the absence of groups will prevent you from creating this type of definition. The beginning of the action is no different from the procedure for creating standard processes Note: you can also build a process definition right away as a conditional process. When we add/build a standard process: you can switch to the conditional version. To do this, select “Conditional” from the right side of the menu. The previously created activities will be organized in the form of unrelated tasks tiles. Two flags will also appear: the start and end markers of the process. The first action should be to add default flows. To do this, in the panel on the right, select “Connections”. Add first connection It should link “Start” to the first activity. Link the next activity together in the same way, until the flag indicating “End”. As you can see, a process definition was created, which is similar to the standard view. Note: each time, it is necessary to indicate the Group of users to whom the task will be forwarded in a given activity. Checking the checkbox “User will select user from list” will cause that when sending the task further, the executor will have to select a person from the displayed list. The list will contain only users belonging to the given Group. If this box is left unchecked, the task will go to each user of that Group and will be forwarded when the first of those people completes it (it will no longer be available to the others). Hint: when a task is always completed by one specific person, e.g. the CEO, then create a “CEO” Group and add only one user to it. Then do not check the option “User will select user from list” – the task will then flow to the CEO without the need to indicate him/her from the list. The form editor in the conditional control is slightly different from the standard one. In particular, the menu on the right does not contain a number of options, which are solved differently in conditional control.   Workflow conditioning Now you can implement conditional flows. Some fields (text, text area, number and amount) and two plugins/extension (selection list and dictionary) that you place on forms have a Field key / position. If you want a particular field/e to serve as a flow conditioning criterion, specify the field key/e. This can be any (unique to the process) name, e.g. Decision, Acceptance, Akc_5, etc., etc. Note: as you will notice, a field of type Yes/No does not have a field key, so it cannot be used in conditional control. If you want to condition the flow on this type of decision, use the Selection list plugin and add the following items in it: Yes, No. Note or save these field/ekeys and, in the case of dictionaries and selection lists, the items that can be selected. Now go to Connections (menu on the right side of the screen or directly on the task tile of the activity in question on the process map two arrows icon) Create a new connection (Add) In the “Condition type” section, instead of “Default,” select “Variable” or “Deadline” In the “Field key” field, enter the stored value entered when editing the form. In this example, the word (key) is: “Decision”. In the “Operator” field, select one of the following possibilities: “=” equal and “!=” different, which are useful for both text and numbers, and best suited for numbers: “>” greater, “>=” greater-equal, “<" less, "<=" less-equal. In this example: “=”. In the “Value” field, enter the criterion. In this example, the checklist item “No”. And Save. The workflow created in this way will behave as follows: when the user selects “No” in the Decision field, the process will flow from the Replacement activity to the Holiday request form. Otherwise, it will flow in the default way, i.e. to the Acceptance activity. Hint: in conditional control, we do not use the return mechanism – the process can only flow forward. If you want it to be possible to “go back” to an earlier activity, plan it as a conditional flow, e.g. by adding a Selection list plugin on the form with items: Forward, Return to…, Return to…, etc., and then create the appropriate conditional flows. The final process definition map might look like this: When you are satisfied with the result, publish the new definition using the “Next” button in the lower right corner of the editor’s menu screen. The conditional task tiles are different from the standard ones. Instead of a progress counter, they have a compass icon: ____________________________ If you are interested in getting a proposal for a professional PRO business version of the Dew-X system, fill out the form or write to