CC (Carbon Copy)
There is sometimes a need for a user who is not involved in the flow of a given case to have the opportunity to familiarize himself with it. That’s what the CC functionality is for. It can be either a person who will not participate in this instance of the process at all, or a person who will be added to it in later stage. When completing the form in the process, you have an additional button available: By clicking on it, the following window will open: Here you can add any number of users to CC list. Note: users from outside of the organization can only add people from within the organization, however, if an insider adds someone from outside the organization, they will also reveal that person to all users outside the organization who view the list of previously added people. Added users will receive email notifications. If they do not participate in the flow of this document or case, they will not be able to perform any actions in it, but they will be able to familiarize themselves with what has been done so far. They will find it In Progress or Completed in given process. If any CC’d persons have already been added to a given process instance, then when opening the CC window, we will see them in the list: Nothing prevents you from sending them a notification again. The list of people who have been added CC’d can also be viewed in the CC tab visible after entering the details of a given instance: It contains information about when, who and with whom a given task has been shared. Note: The CC tab is only visible to users with the status Inside the Organization. You can read more about possible user statuses here: click